Wow... seriously going to try and do better! Sara Bradley is now 5 1/2 months old... time flies when you're having fun! She was born December 14th and weighed 6.9lbs and was 19 inches long! Carter is 2 1/2 and is the BEST big brother in the world! I'm not sure who gives Sara Bradley more kisses in a days time! He takes great care of her and can make her laugh more than anyone else. What a fun time! We are starting baby food next week and I can't wait... Sara Bradley is going to love it! I think she's getting tired of her rice cereal!
This weekend we are taking the kids camping! I'm so excited... just hope the weather is nice! Carter is so excited... he has asked me ten times if he can eat marshmellows... i'm thinking he saw "Little Bill" eat marshmellows with his dad on their camping trip. I'll be sure to post some pics!
What else is going on in my life... well i don't guess much. Just working and keeping kids! I wouldn't have it any other way!
My goal is to update at least once every 2 weeks! Erica... you are responsible for making me do this!
Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3
2 days ago